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Sunday, February 7, 2016

It's Alright

It's alright, to dig a tunnel in the mountain
Unknown and unsure of the light on the other side,
And it's alright to wet in the ferocious rain
When you can take a shelter between the ride.

It's alright, to hope for something good for you
In return for the uphill battle, you fought,
But luck is not in your hand though
Results may be what you never thought.

It's alright if everyone around you succeeds
Albeit some of them even don't deserve this,
Still, don't blame anyone's deed
Maybe time is not perfect for you to enjoy bliss.

It's alright if it is your first major failure
Must be hard to stand again after a fall,
Believe your inner soul like a player
Cause that can only make you anew tall.

It's alright, all this killing you inside often
Tears will come down naturally while reminiscing,
Shed sorrows like the leaves of autumn
It's never too late to start a new beginning. 

It's alright, if while all these fake friends show
Their true nature and their true color,
Don't blow, let the things flow
They will come and go after one another.

It's alright if all your dreams shattered at once
Don't you think of giving up for them,
It can take days, weeks or even months
To achieve the treasure of precious gem.

It's alright, to lose interest after starting again
Things will be back to normal soon,
Have confidence this time you are gonna gain
And shine scintillating like the moon.

Hard times are also part of life
Like dawn comes after the night,
A stellar person can always thrive
Cause everything will be alright.


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