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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Are We Really Independent?

August 15, 1947 - A day which every Indian remembers and will remember. Not only the generation, who is currently living or who is not with us today remembers this day, but the coming generations will also. So what makes this day so special for every Indian? Is it any special occasion related to mythology or something else? Don't contemplate so much, 15 August is Indian Independence Day!

India-A land of rich and diverse, culture and heritage. From the ancient times, it has been blessed with numerous marvelous wonders. Be it its land, the flora, and fauna, the various traditions we have got or be it the several religions we are glorified with. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh, one can easily see the eclat of a truly incredible India. Those were the days when we were called 'the golden bird' of the world however like everything else destiny was something else for the Indians for the upcoming centuries.

Yes, indeed I am talking about the period when the British ruled India. It was in 1601; British first landed in India with a name of a trading company 'the East India Company' and with the rise in the empire, abreast began the fall of a nation. They didn't do any exceptional thing, but simple divide and rule strategy to win over us. They provoked us against each other. Brothers started fighting with each other; countrymen emanated fighting and shedding blood of each other. What did we get from all this? Nothing but lose our freedom and liberty. But there is a saying, "Everything happens for a good" and it must have also happened for good that after being a slave of another country we aroused a feeling of brotherhood among each other and pre-eminently greater than that we aroused a feeling of patriotism for our motherland. People began to untie and started various movements to move out the British from India.

There is another saying, " I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will". With incessant great freedom fighters outraging the British, infinite revolutions and movements, perpetual deaths of the countrymen, it was finally on August 15, 1947, the British were moved out from the divine land and India was independent once again as a country.

Obviously, we lost many things while being independent once again. We lost many great leaders. We lost our entrenched acclaimed identity, we lost our resources which foreigners took away with them and much more valuable countless assets but we gained back one thing above all these: our dear motherland. Salute to all those freedom fighters that made this day possible so that you, me and all of us can live and breathe in a free country, in a free INDIA.

Namaste! Pranam! As-salamu alaykum! Khama Ghani! Khem Cho! Ram Ram! and Hello everyone!

I got an opportunity today on this auspicious day to express my intense gratitude for this paramount day in our life. Today we all are celebrating our 69th Independence Day. 68 years friends, 68 years have passed away the day we got our freedom back. No doubt these 68 years have been full of highs and lows for us.

It is said, 'Each coin has two faces' and yes these years after Independence can be seen perspective to two sides. One face is a positive face where India encountered revolutionary changes in every field and the other is the dark side of our country which grew abreast with the prior face.

First let us talk about the first face, 'the good one'. We excelled in every field be it science and technology, sports, finance, developing the nation or anything else. We have outdone others and we continue to do so. We have developed our defense sectors, agriculture science, and our villages and yes there are some areas we need to work upon and excel other like health, basic amenities on which we are continuously progressing to make India a better nation. We have one of the world's largest army, navy and air force simultaneously. We protect the world's highest peak. We innovated and were an integral part of many new inventions taking place every now and then. We gave the world many great scientists and leaders. We have also made progress on one of the booming sectors in vogue i.e. IT sector and are trudging towards to become a new superpower with each passing day. But one certain question arises here, "Are we really independent today?" The rejoinder can be given after comparing the brighter side with its counterpart and not merely on inferences.

Now it is the turn of the second face, the bad one, the darker one to be thrown light upon. We had been at the war against neighboring countries, faced some serious revolts, saw some major scams and much more. I see children begging on roads to date and I don't feel they enjoy their freedom. in this jet age, I see women having fear while going out at nights in their own nation and I don't see them enjoying and realizing their freedom. I see children having a lack of amenities such as sports, education and I don't see them enjoying their freedom. I see reservation still prevailing in the country and I don't see everyone enjoying their independence too. Still, I go out in my city I see beggars sleeping on the sidewalks of the road and I don't see them having their liberty. I see politicians instead of discussing serious issues like poverty, fighting over personal and party issues between which common man's freedom is pissed off.

So are we independent and individualistic now? In terms of evacuating a foreign country from our own land yes we do. However, in terms of achieving a true independence, we still have a long way to go and more milestones to be procured and accomplished.

In last I would like to add that, we have a promising youth: yes we have which will surely make us matchless and proud one day; a rich culture: we got it from our forefathers and love to preserve it and follow our traditions; and the best country in the world-INDIA: no doubt we have and dare you say anything about it.

Jai Hind Jai Bharat!
Proud to be an Indian!

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