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Monday, August 8, 2016

The Indescribable Beauty

A young lad started a journey,
To one of the remote villages of the country,
Slowly through the window of his seat,
Scenes started to change,
From big building and structures,
To perpetual farms and fields.

Initially, he savored what he saw,
The change in the atmosphere around,
Suddenly after some time, a disgust aroused,
The same change in the atmosphere,
Which he was relishing moments ago,
Now made him suffocate in that pure air.

The day passed and the sun rose next day,
Contemplating his thoughts again,
The kid observed something different,
Made him fall in love with the place,
A peace and serenity lied there,
A simple living he couldn’t overlook.

Wondering of his incorrect thoughts,
Wondering of his false perceptions,
Amidst of all, anew air started to flow,
A vibe that had all the positivity in it,
Adoring the place for its ingenuousness,
He desired to be one among them.

Then the time came for his departure,
A place now he wanted to never leave,
Lingering and praying to stay there,
Finally, he managed to leave,
Savoring every experience he had,
He left the place unaltered in its essence.

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